AB 1211

A new series of California state bills offer a wide range of possibilities for adding new detached apartment units to existing apartment buildings.

 On all properties if you have enough room you can add two DETACHED ADU’s and this can be expanded to as many as 8 DETACHED units or an equivalent to the existing number of units, whichever is less.  For example if you have an apartment building with 5 existing units you would have the ability to add the same number of ADU units for 5 additional DETACHED ADU units and a total unit count of 10 dwelling units. This can be accomplished in two stories and at a maximum height of 18′ which proves difficult to comply with unless the local municipality has made exceptions for a greater height allowance.
This is the DETACHED version of multifamily ADU and the ATTACHED version is different. These cannot be mixed. You cannot do part detached and part attached.
AB 1211: https://legiscan.com/CA/text/AB1211/id/2704870
AB 2097: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB2097
AB 2221: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB2221
This is the detached version of multifamily ADU and the ATTACHED version is different. These cannot be mixed. You cannot do part detached and part attached.
For ATTACHED ADU’s you can convert any building space that is not meant for housing and usually includes carports, garages, laundry, offices storage etc. These units can be created by replacing some kind of parking structure and often we do these by converting tuck under parking into ADU units. The limit on these are 25% of total unit count which means that is if you have a 12 unit apartment building then you could have a maximum of three new ADU units of any size.
SB 13 and related bills